We believe in any relationship the more you know about and interact with another person, genuine love deepens. The same would-be knowing God, His love for us, and His story within history. The more we know about God the more we will in turn love God. Our desire is that the church would know more about God, deepen our love for Him, and experience His redemptive work in our lives.

In today's culture and our church, we are seeing more and more people lack understanding of the bible in how to read, understand, and apply to their own life. This series gives us a chance to understand God’s Redemption story in a big picture as well as allows us to internalize it and apply it to ourselves. 
This will also give us a chance to see how we relate to the ancestral history of the Family of God that all Jesus followers are now a part of. As we spend time with the Biblical heroes and villains of our past, we will become familiar with our roots in order to better see the heart and hand of God work throughout Human History.

Most Recent GRS Sermon

What Happened in Jesus' Ministry?

In the last installment of God’s Redemption Story, we examined the account of Jesus’ final meal with His disciples.

Following the Last Supper and the institution of communion, Jesus spoke to His disciples more about what was to come. Jesus comforted them with the assurance of their place in the Kingdom of Heaven, reminding them that no one can come to the Father except through Him.

Jesus went on to promise the arrival of the Holy Spirit. He told His disciples that once He was gone, the Father would send the Holy Spirit to serve as their advocate, comforter, counselor, and teacher.

Jesus warned His disciples of the suffering they would endure in His name. He encouraged them to abide in Him, as this was the only way they would be able to stand firm against the persecution that would come their way.

In what is known as His “High Priestly Prayer,” Jesus prayed for His glorification, for His disciples, and for all who would one day come to believe. For the future believers, His prayer was that they would be known for their unity.

After sharing His final teachings and His “High Priestly Prayer,” Jesus took His disciples and entered the Garden of Gethsemane. It is here that we see the final moments leading up to Jesus’ arrest. This week, we will examine the powerful interaction between Jesus and the Father at the Garden of Gethsemane.

Join us this Sunday as we continue our journey through the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.